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Williams has a longstanding relationship with the design house. Chanel replica bag A capsule collection was the obvious next step, and this collection pays homage to Williams' urban style. Cheap Chanel x Pharrell Williams Suede Pharrell Williams has been teasing us with little hints here and there at his capsule collection with Chanel. Cheap Chanel bag Williams has a long design history collaborating with brands like Adidas, Louis Vuitton and G-Star, but his capsule with Chanel was arguably the most anticipated of all. Replica chanel bag Previously, he walked the runway for Chanel and designed sneakers for the brand in collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld and Adidas.Last week, Replica Chanel x Pharrell Williams Suede Chanel released lookbook images, giving us an exclusive look at the collection prior to it hitting stores on April 4th. Fake chanel bag ...